Podcasting Workshop: Turning Scientific Topics into Captivating Stories
How can complex topics like artificial intelligence, climate change or quantum technology be made both understandable and engaging for a wide audience? We are excited to announce a 3-day science podcast workshop with Austrian science podcaster and radio journalist Lothar Bodingbauer.
This workshop is designed for aspiring podcasters and radio journalists who want to learn how to communicate complex scientific topics in an accessible way. 20 selected participants will gain practical skills and expert insights on turning cutting-edge science into compelling narratives, helping to shape an informed public that can actively participate in discussions on important scientific issues.
Day 1: Podcast listening habits of participants| How to create a podcast & how to publish them | Technical aspects | Remote recordings in studio-quality sound | Practical task: Conducting a short interview and creating a one-minute pilot episode with an introduction to your own podcast
Day 2: Listening to the one-minute pilot episodes of the participants and feedback round | Exploring different podcast formats and planning them together | Audience engagement | DOs & DON’Ts
Day 3: The 99 Do’s for your first three podcast episodes | final Q&A
W h e n
Day 1: Mon, 27 January
Day 2: Tue, 28 January
Day 3: Wed, 29 January
The workshop will take place from 5 PM to 8 PM on all three days
W h e r e: Online via Zoom (login information will be provided upon confirmed participation)
Please note: The workshop is limited to 20 participants. Due to waiting lists please only register if you can attend.
L e v e l: Beginners and intermediate podcasters
C o s t: The workshop is free of charge, but registration is essential.
L a n g u a g e: English
A b o u t
Lothar Bodingbauer (*1971) is a renowned Austrian science radio journalist (Ö1 ORF) and a pioneer of podcasting in Austria. Since the 1990s, he has been producing podcasts on science, new music, and education. Over the course of his career, he has created more than 500 podcast episodes and around 400 radio features. Lothar has received numerous awards, including the ‘Prize for Innovative Knowledge Communication’ from the Austrian University Conference (2015).
If you have further questions, please send an email to iris.mostegel@bmeia.gv.at