Hamlet presented by Imperfect Dancers Company
“Hamlet,” this award-winning production, hailed as the highlight of numerous festivals, explores the complex and ambiguous relationships between individuals. It is a journey through the intricate alleys of the human soul. A young woman finds herself intertwined with her namesake, Shakespeare’s Ophelia. Words take shape, characters come alive, and through the lens of Shakespeare’s narrative, the events of her own life are revisited and relieved.
Concept & choreography: Walter Matteini & Ina Broeckx
Costumes: Weber
Stage design: Ina Broeckx
Lighting design: Walter Matteini
Music: Ezio Bosso, Antonio Vivaldi, Max Richter, Philip Glass
Hamlet – Bastian Borel
Ophelia – Mariana Vargas
Queen Gertrude – Ina Broeckx
King Claudius – Diogo Alves
Laerte – Simone Orlandi
Oratio – Antonietta Bajraktari
Young Lady – Ana Margarida Simoes Filipe
Doors open at 6:00 PM, performance begins at 7:00 PM
Free Entry, RSVP is required through link in bio https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hamlet-tickets-1222617565049?aff=oddtdtcreator
Tuesday 25th February – 7pm – Gomhoreya Theater