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Workshop: Jo Beyer (Germany)

August 10, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Workshop with „JO“ Jo Beyer

– drums, composition Sven Decker

– tenor saxophone Andreas Wahl

– electric and acoustic guitar Felix Elsner – piano

The purpose of the workshop is to give students and people interested in music the opportunity to get to know our band, our music, our approach to music and us in a relaxed atmosphere. We will deal with free improvisation concepts as well as discuss concrete pieces of our repertoire and explain our handling of this material. In the course of the workshop, we will go into our working method. For this purpose, sheet music will be copied for all students so that they can follow compositions and recognize, for example, how we improvisationally deal with certain vamps and interpret themes. The following questions will play a role: How are the pieces composed? How do we work out the arrangements in rehearsals?

Which role do vamps play? In which way do we try to keep the balance between free experimental jazz and catchy melodies and structures? How do we manage to play without bass? How are the tasks distributed between two harmony instruments? What does interaction mean for us in solos? Playing together with students should also be a focus. For this purpose, we will select certain parts and quickly learnable vamps of our pieces in order to rehearse them with everyone who wants to, and to try out different approaches to improvisation

Basically, we are happy if the content of the workshop is ultimately driven by the interest of the students and the corresponding topics. Even though we give the workshop, we are open to inspiration from the students, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be a one-sided teaching event but can rather be seen as a musical exchange. All band members have many years of teaching experience in both individual and group lessons as well as workshops in various Wednesday 10 August at 4 pm

Workshop : Jo Beyer (Germany)

cooperation with Goethe-Institut

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Room F.

For registration : https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScbLBGpG2S…/viewform…      


ورشة عمل مع “جو جو باير – بيركاشن سفين ديكر – تينورساكسوفون

أندرياس وال – الغيتار الكتريك والأكوستيك

فيليكس إلسنر – بيانو

الغرض من ورشة العمل هو منح الطلاب والمهتمين بالموسيقى الفرصة للتعرف على فرقتنا وموسيقانا وهدفنا في الموسيقى ، فسوف نوضح طرق الارتجال الموسيقى و مناقشة بعض القطع من مؤلفاتنا وتوضيحها سيتم نسخ النوتة الموسيقية لجميع الحاضرين حتى يتمكنوا من متابعة المقطوعات الموسيقية والتعرف على كيفية تعاملنا بشكل ارتجالي مع بعض المقطوعات الموسيقية يجب أن يكون التركيز على العزف مع الحاضرين أيضًا. ولهذا الغرض، سنختار أجزاءً من القطع الموسيقية الخاصة بالفريق والتي يمكن تعلمها بسرعة من أجل التمرين عليها مع كل من يريد ذلك، وتجربة أساليب مختلفة للارتجال

الأربعاء 10 أغسطس الساعة الرابعة عصرا  ورشة عمل: جو باير (المانيا)

بالمشاركة مع معهد جوتة

بمكتبة الإسكندرية، القاعة  F

الحضور بالتسجيل، ومتاح للموسيقيين فقط.. للتسجيل:




Workshop con “JO”

Jo Beyer – batteria, composizione

Sven Decker – sassofono tenore

Andreas Wahl – chitarra elettrica e acustica

Felix Elsner – pianoforte

Lo scopo del workshop è offrire agli studenti e alle persone interessate alla musica l’opportunità di conoscere la nostra band, la nostra musica, il nostro approccio alla musica e noi in un’atmosfera rilassata. Tratteremo concetti di improvvisazione libera, discuteremo brani concreti del nostro repertorio e spiegheremo la nostra gestione di questo materiale.

Nel corso del workshop, approfondiremo il nostro metodo di lavoro. A tale scopo, gli spartiti verranno copiati per tutti gli studenti in modo che possano seguire le composizioni e riconoscere, ad esempio, come affrontiamo improvvisamente determinati vampiri e interpretiamo temi. Le seguenti domande avranno un ruolo: come sono composti i brani? Come risolviamo gli arrangiamenti durante le prove?

Che ruolo hanno i vampiri? In che modo cerchiamo di mantenere l’equilibrio tra jazz sperimentale libero e melodie e strutture accattivanti? Come riusciamo a suonare senza bassi? Come sono distribuiti i compiti tra due strumenti armonici? Cosa significa per noi l’interazione negli assoli?

Anche giocare insieme agli studenti dovrebbe essere un punto focale. A tal fine, selezioneremo alcune parti e vampiri facilmente apprendibili dei nostri pezzi per provarli con chiunque lo desideri e per provare diversi approcci all’improvvisazione

Fondamentalmente, siamo felici se il contenuto del seminario è in definitiva guidato dall’interesse degli studenti e dagli argomenti corrispondenti. Anche se diamo il workshop, siamo aperti all’ispirazione degli studenti, quindi non deve essere necessariamente un evento didattico unilaterale ma può piuttosto essere visto come uno scambio musicale.

Tutti i membri della band hanno molti anni di esperienza nell’insegnamento sia in lezioni individuali che di gruppo, nonché in laboratori vari

Mercoledì 10 Agosto , alle  16  

Workshop : Jo Beyer (Germania) collaborazione con il Goethe-Institut

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Sala F.

Per la registrazione: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScbLBGpG2S…/viewform…


August 10, 2022
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Event Category:


Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Al Azaritah WA Ash Shatebi, Bab Sharqi, Alexandria Governorate 21526
Alexandria, Alexandria Egypt
+ Google Map